
Design Process - Car sketching

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Design Process - Car sketching


I.D.P (Industrial Design Process) - Conceptual Automotive Design 2

I recorded this lecture on wednesday, the 28th of november 2015.
Learn how to refine och polish a rough sketch by:

- Defining Surfaces

- Using different types of masks

- Creating simple glass

- Having fun!

Link to finished rendering: https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t31.0-8/12194769_10153815102031320_8031744847946150066_o.jpg

This workshop includes:

45 minutes video tutorial with full audio commentary

Original .PSD Demo file with layers

JPG Image of Artwork

Toolpresets (.TPL file) with brushes and erasers

You are, of course, most welcome to message me on Facebook or email me at info@lugnegarddesign.com with any questions or tutorial topics you might be interested in viewing!

Thanks for watching!

Best regards,

Mikael Lugnegård

Lugnegård Design





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